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Onboarding a VA in 3 Easy Steps

I get it. As a photographer, you’re juggling a million things at once—editing marathons that stretch into the night, client requests that pop up like whack-a-moles, and an inbox that seems to have its own agenda (and it’s not a friendly one). Your to-do list? It’s not just a list anymore; it’s an epic saga that seems as though it will NEVER end.

Now, imagine passing off all those draining admin tasks to someone who actually likes dealing with them—so you can do more of what makes your heart happy. You know, like spending time doing what you actually started your photo business to do (ahem..taking photos) instead of spending your time hunting for that missing invoice from last month, or troubleshooting why your CRM is randomly sending reminders to clients that never booked.

If you’re thinking, “Okay, but isn’t hiring a VA like adding another full-time job to my plate?”—I promise, it doesn’t have to be. This post will outline you how easy it is to get a VA onboarded and how to save your sanity in just three steps. Let’s get into it!

Step 1: The Onboarding Call—A.k.a. Your Virtual Coffee Chat

Step one is simple: have a conversation. Think of it as a coffee date with a new friend, except instead of bonding over how much you both love oat milk lattes, you’re bonding over how much you both want you to have more time and less stress.

What to Cover in the Kickoff Call:

  • Get to Know Each Other: The goal here is for your VA to understand you—your business, your quirks, and what makes you tick. The more they know, the better they can support you in a way that feels like a true extension of your brand. It’s all about them getting inside your brain (but, like, in a non-creepy way).
  • Identify Your Pain Points: Picture this—your VA is like a personal trainer for your to-do list. They want to know which areas are giving you the most pain (a.k.a. what you dread doing each day). Whether it’s managing emails, scheduling posts, or chasing late payments, this is where you lay it all out.
  • Figure Out How You Like to Communicate: Whether you’re an “I love Zoom calls” kind of person or more of an “email me and I’ll get to it at midnight” kind of person, this is your chance to set some ground rules. Communication is the key to a great VA-client relationship, so let’s figure out what works for you.

This call doesn’t need to be long, fancy, or stressful. By the end of it, you’ll both have a clear picture of what comes next, and you’ll have someone officially on your team who is excited to make your life easier.

Step 2: Delegate a Few Starter Tasks—Baby Steps, Not Scary Leaps

I get it. Handing over tasks that have been entirely yours for so long can feel… weird. So let’s start small. The goal here is to dip your toes into the waters of delegation without feeling like you’ve just cannonballed into the deep end.

Some Great Starter Tasks to Delegate:

  • Inbox Management: Nothing says “freeing up mental space” like someone else tackling the endless email ping-pong match. Your VA can flag what’s urgent, archive what’s spam, and even draft responses for you to approve. We love a priority inbox, and our clients do too.
  • Client Follow-Ups: Nothing kills your vibe quite like having to chase down someone for a signed contract or that late payment. Your VA can take on the “gentle nudge” role, so you stay the good guy while someone else does the reminding. It’s like having a buffer that keeps things professional and effective.
  • Appointment Scheduling & Calendar Management: Your VA can coordinate with clients, schedule calls, and make sure you’re where you need to be, when you need to be there—without any of the back-and-forth hassle. P.S. Your CRM’s scheduler (we love Dubsado) or Calendly is a god send, and your VA can definitely help you set that up (AND enforce your meeting/scheduling boundaries).

Think of these starter tasks as a trust-building exercise. You’re delegating the simpler stuff to start, but soon enough, you’ll feel so much lighter and feel ready to dive into more complex tasks.

Step 3: Set Up Regular Check-Ins—So Nothing Falls Through the Cracks

You’re moving thru the steps and everything’s already feeling lighter. But to keep it that way, it’s important to have regular check-ins. These aren’t meant to be long or burdensome; it’s more like your weekly touch base to make sure the wheels are still turning in the right direction.

Ways to Check In:

  • Weekly or Bi-Weekly Calls: A quick 15-minute video chat or phone call can make a world of difference. It gives you both a chance to catch up, adjust priorities, and brainstorm ways your VA can better help you reach your goals. We also love Voxer for checking in, it’s an easy way to get questions answered quickly or talk through an idea or strategy.
  • Shared Task Boards: Tools like Trello or Asana are perfect for staying in the loop. Imagine a big, visual checklist where you can both see what’s being worked on, what’s done, and what’s coming up next. It keeps everyone on the same page and helps avoid that “wait, did I ask you about this?” confusion. You can also go super basic with a Google Doc, if that’s your vibe.
  • Weekly Task Reports: This one’s easy—your VA sends you a short summary at the start or end of the week. What got done, what’s in progress, and any questions they have or roadblocks they need help with. It keeps everything organized, without you having to micromanage. We send these out at the start of every week and they keep everyone in the loop about what’s being done.

Onboarding a VA Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

If onboarding a VA has felt overwhelming, hopefully these three easy steps, can help you go from “doing it all” to “doing what you actually love.

You don’t need to wait until everything’s perfect or until you’re “less busy” (seriously, when has that ever happened?), the sooner you get started, the sooner you can enjoy working ON the business you started instead of just working in it.

Looking for a VA team that specializes in working with photographers? Inquire now!

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